Videos Bringing the Visual Arts Curriculum to Life 1(1) Gemma McGirr, Visual Arts Cuiditheoir, outlines some resources available to... Looking at an artist - Picasso This video can be shown to children studying the artist Picasso. It outlines... Objects as inspiration This video can be used with children as an inspiration for using everyday... Art in Water This video can be used with children to introduce the theme of water. It shows... Art in Walls Print 3 - Stencilling & Screen-printing Print 2 - Using Printing Blocks Print 1 - Let's Print Construction 3 - Man-made Constructions Construction 2 - Artists and Constructions Construction 1 - The Natural World Drawing 4 - Have Fun with Lines Drawing 3 - Drawing from Observation Drawing 2 - Drawing from Imagination Drawing 1 - Places & People Paint & Colour 4 - Colour in Objects Paint & Colour 3 - Colour in Objects Paint & Colour 2 - Places & Colour Paint & Colour 1 - Colour is All Around Fabric & Fibre 3 - Adding Colour to Fabric Fabric & Fibre 4 - Inventing Costumes Fabric & Fibre 2 - Ordinary Fibres Extraordinary Puppets Fabric & Fibre 1 - Weaving with Fibres Clay4 - Making a Bust Clay 1 - Unlocking the Hidden Things in Clay